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Congregation Bais Torah

                                      This Week at Bais Torah


Shacharis Sunday, October 13th @7:45 am

Shacharis, Monday October 14th @6:20 & 7:45 am

Shacharis, Tuesday October 15th @6:25 &7:45 am

Shacharis, Wednesday October 16th @6:25 & 7:45 am

Mincha-Ma'ariv @6:00pm


Interested in Joining the Bais Torah family?

Click here for Membership Information



      Join the OU daily @1PM for               Tehillim and Divrei Chizuk        

Join by phone 773.377.9170 or 480.210.2150

This daily call is hosted by Naftali Herrmann

Click Here to sign up for the OU Daily Tehillim reminder.

  Experience Davening Together!

We will daven Shacharis at 7:45 each morning. Please check the weekly newsletter for up to date times for Mincha, followed by a dvar halacha, and then Maariv.  
--> Click here to join (the link is the same for Shacharis and Mincha)

or cut and paste the following into a browser -
or join by phone:  +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 790 613 352
One tap mobile +16465588656,,790613352# US (New York)

DAILY DAF YOMI VIA ZOOM Join Rabbi Gottlieb and Bais Torah at 7AM Daily

--> Click Here to join the live Daf Yomi 

Click here for the repository of Shabbos Daf Yomi Shiurim

We will also hold our weekly Sunday morning gemara shiur on Zoom. Please join for that at 8:30 AM:
--> Click here to join the Sunday Morning Gemara Shiur

or cut and paste the following into a browser -
or join by phone +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 721 128 697
One tap mobile +16465588656,,721128697# US (New York)

Our Shul Community is here to help!
All of us should endeavor to stay at home as much as possible and only go out for our essential needs in accordance with specific guidelines suggested by our Local, State and Federal governments.
Please contact me and let me know if you need help.
I will arrange whatever is necessary to make the upcoming weeks easier for you.
Of course, you can also contact the Shul office at 845-352-1343 or
click here to email Bais Torah if you have questions or need other assistance.
We are here to help each other during these unprecedented times.

With Hashem’s protection, this outbreak will pass soon
and we will all be together in Bais Torah once again.
Stay Healthy and Stay Safe!
Jack Gross President
Thursday Evening at 7:45PM 
Parsha Class
Tue, October 15 2024 13 Tishrei 5785